姓名:尹保利 |

职称:讲师 |
部门:信息与计算科学系 |
研究方向:微分方程数值解 |
邮箱:baolimath@126.com |
主要从事于微分方程数值算法设计与数值分析工作。针对目前广为流行的卷积数值积分(CQ)方法,通过引入位移参数发展了位移卷积数值积分(SCQ)方法。该方法丰富了数值逼近格式的设计手段,特别是对于保结构算法的设计等。另外,基于该方法推广了若干经典差分逼近格式,并发展了相应数值分析理论和快速算法等。相关成果发表在《Journal of Computational Physics》、《BIT Numerical Mathematics》、《Journal of Scientific Computing》、《Applied Numerical Mathematics》、《Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems-B》等SCI期刊上。
[1] Baoli Yin, Jinfeng Wang, Yang Liu, Hong Li, A structure preserving difference scheme with fast algorithms for high dimensional nonlinear space-fractional Schrödinger equations, Journal of Computational Physics, 2021, 425:109869.
[2] Baoli Yin, Yang Liu, Hong Li, Siriguleng He, Fast algorithm based on TT-M FE system for space fractional Allen-Cahn equations with smooth and non-smooth solutions, Journal of Computational Physics, 2019, 379:351-372.
[3] Yang Liu, Baoli Yin, Hong Li, Zhimin Zhang, The unified theory of shifted convolution quadrature for fractional calculus, Journal of Scientific Computing, 2021, 89(1): 1-24.
[4] Baoli Yin, Yang Liu, Hong Li, Zhimin Zhang, Finite element methods based on two families of second-order numerical formulas for the fractional cable model with smooth solutions, Journal of Scientific Computing, 2020, 84(1):1-22.
[5] Baoli Yin, Yang Liu, Hong Li, Zhimin Zhang, Efficient shifted fractional trapezoidal rule for subdiffusion problems with nonsmooth solutions on uniform meshes, BIT Numerical Mathematics 2021, 19:1-36.
[6] Baoli Yin, Yang Liu, Hong Li, Fanhai Zeng, A class of efficient time-stepping methods for multi-term time-fractional reaction diffusion-wave equations, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 2021, 165:56-82.
[7] Baoli Yin, Yang Liu, Hong Li, Zhimin Zhang, Approximation methods for the distributed order calculus using the convolution quadrature, Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems-B, 2021, 26(3):1447. (ESI)
[8] Baoli Yin, Yang Liu, Hong Li, A class of shifted high-order numerical methods for the fractional mobile/immobile transport equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2020, 368:124799. (ESI)
[9] Baoli Yin, Yang Liu, Hong Li, Necessity of introducing non-integer shifted parameters by constructing high accuracy finite difference algorithms for a two-sided space-fractional advection-diffusion model, Applied Mathematics Letters, 2020, 105:106347.