1. Caiying Wu and Guoqing Chen, A smoothing conjugate gradient algorithm for nonlinear complementarity problems, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 2008, 17(4): 460-472 (SCIE, EI).
2. Caiying Wu and Guoqing Chen, Predictor-Corrector smoothing Newton method for solving semidefinite programming, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society,2009, 79(3), 367-376 (SCI).
3. Caiying Wu and Guoqing Chen,A new type of conjugate gradient algorithms for unconstrained optimization problems, Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2010,21(6), 1000-1007(SCIE, EI).
4. Caiying Wu, A one step smoothing Newton method for a class of stochastic linear complementarity problems. BULLETIN OF THE BELGIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY-SIMON STEVIN,2011,18(2) 337–345(sci) .
5. Caiying Wu and Yue Zhao, One-step smoothing inexact Newton method for nonlinear complementarity problem with a P0 function, BULLETIN OF THE BELGIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY-SIMON STEVIN,2012,19(2),277-287(sci) .